What Are The Benefits of Grapeseed Oil? (5+ Benefits For Your Beard)

What Are The Benefits of Grapeseed Oil? (5+ Benefits For Your Beard) - Grooming HUT

Grape Seed and its Benefits for Facial Hair and Beards

Having beards and facial hair is a good thing for most men. Actually, most men fancy having beards and mustaches because they boost their confidence for they feel more attractive with beards than when not having them. Women have been known to associate beards with maturity, aggressiveness, toughness, and masculinity. Despite the various advantages facial hair and beards have, failing to take good care of them may not give you the best. They may disappoint you to a point where you want to shave them off.

Usually, getting rid of something beneficial to you because it is giving you a headache is not a solution. Rather, finding a way to maintain it and make it better is what you should opt for. This is where grape oil chips in. Grapeseed oil is an essential oil that when applied to your facial hairs will make a remarkable difference.

What’s Grape Seed Oil?

Grapeseed oil is sourced from the seeds of grapes. Grapes are pressed to give off oil during winemaking; the oil is a byproduct. The Greeks are known to be the pioneers in using grapes. Grapeseed oil is popular for its vitamin E, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. There are a number of uses, these include; a substitute of vegetable oil, in salad dressing, as a beauty product, for healthy skin and lastly which is what we are looking into, in beards and facial hairs. It has an anti-inflammatory ability which is friendly for beards and skincare.

Grape oil is a storehouse for benefits such as moisturizing and nourishing facial hairs, shining your hairs and conditioning the beard, among other benefits. Grape oil has a handful of uses due to its rich nutrients composition. It is a source of vitamin E which is good for healthy skin, even the one underneath the beard.

Why Use Grape Seed Oil?

Grape seed has a powerful ability to reverse or maintain the glamour of your facial hair. This is contributed by the chemical properties of this carrier oil. These properties include linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic acid, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. Grapeseed oil is odorless and light in that it won’t leave you with an awful or lingering smell or a greasy feel.

Grape seed oil is used in facial hair grooming due to its conditioning, moisturizing, restoring beard shine and promoting blood flow features. It helps solve facial hair issues such as brittleness and itchy skin. When facial hairs and beards are left unattended for long, they tend to be coarse and dry making you feel itchy and uncomfortable. That’s why you need grapeseed oil!

Conditioning Facial Hairs

Grape seed conditions facial hairs & beards making it possible for you to cleanly pull out the best style for your beard. Although not everyone is fascinated by a styled beard, others find it quite interesting and make them feel more bold and confident. For others, conditioning their facial hairs would be to moisturize it giving it a softer feel and better look. Moreover, using grape seed not only conditions facial hairs but also hydrates the skin beneath the hairs saving you from dandruff and flaky skin.

Restoring Beard Shine

Grape seed oil is good for your beard due to its Vitamin E property which helps to revitalize it. Vitamin E is known for its ability to repair damaged hair follicles, restrain more damage, and replenishing the hair's shine. By moisturizing the facial hairs, more shine is added.

Promotes Blood Flow

For every living thing to thrive, there needs to be an aspect that triggers the growth. Basically, regular blood flow is paramount for a healthy beard. The soothing and relaxing nature of grape seed oil promotes blood flow. Grape seed oils are rich in nutrients that promote blood flow. It nourishes the hair follicles promoting the growth of healthy facial hairs.

Reduce Facial Hair Loss

Dry, brittle hair is vulnerable to breakage. You wouldn’t want part of your facial hair maintenance to include hairs falling off every time you try to comb it. It makes it hard to maintain falling off hairs for they may leave patches that cannot be masked. Well, adding grapeseed oil into your hair care list will save you the pain.

Grape seed embodies a unique feature that helps eliminate frizz in your beard providing texture. Besides, it protects your hair ends from splitting. All you have to do is comb through using some grapeseed oil through your facial hair. And since this oil is grease-free, having an oily looking beard after grooming will be a thing of the past with grape seed oil.

Stimulates Facial Hair Growth

Grape seed oils contain Omega 6 which moisturizes facial hairs and promotes its growth. It boosts the rate at which the beard and other hairs grow by removing excess sebaceous oils that clogs skin pores where beards grow from. The linoleic acid found in grape seed has a cleansing nature that is not greasy.

Additionally, the antioxidant quality in grape seed oil helps to reduce oxidative stress and free radicals that weaken hair follicles, this lays a foundation for a longer healthier beard. If you take pride in your beard then removing barriers that hinder its growth should be a priority. That is why you need grape seed oil.

Prevents Beard Itch and Dandruff

Applying grape seed oil on facial hairs will hydrate and moisturize the skin below them. This will solve your issues of dry itchy skin. Prolonged scratching of your skin may cause it to develop blemishes or get injured. We all know that skin itchiness may be as a result of it being dry; it makes you have more dandruff. Use grapeseed oil for more hydrated moisturized facial hairs.

How to Apply Grape Seed Oil

Consistent use of grapeseed oil will have you reaping the best from it. To maximize the benefits of grapeseed oil on your facial hairs and beard, you need to do the following;

  • Heat it up.
  • Leave it to cool down - this makes sure you are not using hot oil on your beard
  • After cooling, apply it on your beard/facial hairs using a beard brush or simply pour a small amount and massage.
  • For the beard, comb it in upward and side-to-center strokes, to evenly distribute the oil. For the mustache, gently rub it in using your fingers.
  • Leave the oil for about 8-10 minutes for it to be absorbed.
  • Lastly, you may rinse out the oil or if you want to maintain the sheen, just wipe off the excess oil with a dry clean towel.

The best time to apply beard oil is right after you have taken a bath. This time the hairs are clean and a little bit softer. You do not want to apply oils on sweaty hairs that have dirt traces. After showering, wipe out excess water and embark on conditioning the facial hairs. Always make sure that the oils are applied reasonably and are evenly distributed.


Facial hair and beards are a beauty facet for most men out there, a little favor to appreciate their existence is thus fair. Beard compliments a gentleman look, maybe if you don’t care about that only then you won’t mind an unkempt beard. Groom your facial hairs and have a long-lasting shine throughout the day using grape seed oil. Packed with multiple nutrients, grape seed oil will deliver the best outcomes for your facial hair.