How to Make Beard Balm - 5 Easy Steps Made With Organic Ingredients

A considerable number of men take pride in their facial hair and having a beard has become trendy because men are now grooming their facial hair for aesthetic reasons. Therefore, having a proper grooming routine is essential for today’s bearded man. Beard balm is a pretty crucial tool that should be part of your grooming routine.
Unfortunately, it is quite challenging to find the most compatible balm for your facial hair. The market offers a wide variety of beard balm that can make it significantly hard to tell if a particular type of product may have adverse side effects in the long run.
Making your beard balm requires a few common kitchen tools and ingredients, and the result may easily turn out better than expected. This article will help you learn how to make your beard balm, the various ingredients you can use, and how to properly apply beard balm as part of your daily grooming routine.
What is Beard Balm and the Associated Benefits?
Beard balm is a facial hair grooming product with essential ingredients blended with moisturizing and taming facial hair. It is a product that makes the beard soft, making it easy to style a beard as you please. Beard balm melts when rubbed in one’s hands and then applied to facial hair for routine facial hair maintenance.
Among the benefits:
- Facial Hair Nourishment
Beard balm helps to promote the health of facial hair because of the various ingredients it contains. The ingredients promote the healthy growth of facial hair, which also enhances its visual appeal.
- Perfect Beard Moisturizer
The daily use of beard balm locks in moisture within your beard, hence keeping it conditioned at all times. Although beard oil is an easy facial hair moisturizer to use, it does not have the long-lasting effects that beard balm offers.
- Softens Beard
Beard balm makes facial hair soft and easy to manage. Combing dry beard leads to damages, such as the breakage of facial hair follicles and the formation of split ends and the balm helps manage that.
- Beard Balm is Protective
Facial hair and skin require considerably more protection than the skin and hair on the head. Beard balm offers protection from elements, such as wind, dust, random weather changes, and ultra-violet rays. The protection that beard balm offers against these elements helps to ensure that stem cells and hair follicles are protected.
- Gets Rid of Dandruff
Dandruff can become quite a challenge for one to manage. It is a condition that leads to dryness of the skin underneath facial hair, destroying the overall health of the beard and its appearance. Beard balm keeps the beard moisturized, eliminating the probability of developing dandruff.
- Prevents Beard Itchiness
Sometimes, it gets difficult to deal with facial hair when it becomes itchy. It is somewhat difficult for many people to ignore itchiness on the skin underneath facial hair. Scratching a beard happens subconsciously, and this scratching can easily become extreme and lead to soreness of skin beneath the beard. Beard balm is an excellent solution that helps alleviate pain caused by any form of irritation.
Beard balm also helps maintain the healthy appeal of skin beneath facial hair by removing scars and acne caused by excessive scratching.
- Appealing Fragrance
Not only does beard balm improve the visual appeal of your hair, using it will leave you smelling good as well. In addition, making a homemade beard balm gives one the liberty to use your favorite scented products.
Beard Balm Essential ingredients
Beeswax: As the name suggests, beeswax is the byproduct of bees; it is the same product used to make honeycombs. Beeswax is the main ingredient of beard balm that makes it easy to tame facial hair and style it as one pleases. Beeswax is not usable in its original state; hence it needs to be softer by adding other ingredients. China is the world’s largest exporter of beeswax.
Beeswax is used to make beard balm because it benefits both hair and skin. It is the component responsible for conditioning and softening hair. It contains vitamin A, which offers anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties. These properties soothe skin intricacies, such as eczema and dry skin. The dense nature of beeswax provides a layer of protection from the elements and other irritants.
Shea Butter: Shea butter is extracted from nuts of the Shea tree, and Indonesia is the largest exporter of Shea butter globally. Shea butter is a crucial product for beard maintenance because it contains high vitamins and fatty acids, which are essential for softening skin. Shea butter has healing and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe and condition the skin underneath facial hair. Shea butter has emollient properties that seal in beard moisture.
Shea butter is essential for repairing broken hair follicles and protects facial hair from external elements, such as dust. Its moisturizing properties help manage skin conditions, such as eczema, dandruff, and dermatitis.
Jojoba Seed Oil: The medicinal properties of jojoba seed oil are why it is considered a valuable product by many communities. Mexico is the highest producer of jojoba seed oil. Jojoba seed oil provides numerous benefits to the skin by acting as an excellent remedy for acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Jojoba seed oil moisturizes facial hair and the skin on the jawline. The chemical composition of jojoba seed oil emulates that of sebum oil.
Therefore, this product helps fight against fungi and micro bacteria, which promotes the healthy development of facial hair. It gives facial hair an appealing look by improving its strength, making it look lusher.
Coconut Oil: Coconut is extracted from coconut fruit, and it provides a myriad of benefits to facial hair and skin. Coconut oil has fatty acids that reduce inflammation hence revamping one's immunity. The regular use of beard balm with coconut oil will help improve skin's overall health underneath facial hair. Besides, coconut oil has the properties of lauric acid that help stimulate hair growth. So if you want to grow a long beard, make sure that coconut oil is present in your beard balm. This amazing product mainly hails from the Philippines and Indonesia.
Argan Extract: Argan oil is an extract of Argan trees natively grown in Morocco. Argan oil offers a wide variety of benefits to its users. For instance, it is ingested because of its health benefits, while others apply it to rejuvenate their hair and skin. The Moroccan women have used the oil to protect themselves from the hot ultraviolet rays of the sun for years.
Argan oil is an effective moisturizer that will help you to keep your beard helps to ensure that facial hair and skin underneath are protected from destructive elements present in the environment. The healing properties of Argan oil help to clear scars and beard acne, among other skin conditions, such as rosacea and psoriasis.
Rosemary Extract: Rosemary extract, a product mainly exported from China, is an essential ingredient that offers various benefits when used in beard care routines. Rosemary extract promotes hair growth, and hence it is recommended for people interested in taming long beards. The regular use of rosemary essential oil improves blood circulation, leading to the healthy development of facial hair follicles; it leaves the beard looking lusher and properly conditioned.
How to Make Beard Balm
When making your beard balm, the first step is to gather all the requisite tools, which should be readily available in most households.
You will require:
- A minimum of three containers because the process will involve storing the final product in numerous containers depending on the amount of beard balm you want to make.
- A double boiler big enough to contain all the necessary ingredients and even leave some room to spare. Alternatively, you can use two pots if a double boiler is inaccessible.
- A funnel to ensure that all the balm you will make flows safely into the container and will not make a mess all over your working area.
- Beeswax
- Shea butter
- 2 to 10 drops of essential oil
- Carrier oil
Step by step guide:
- Place Shea butter, carrier oil, and beeswax in the boiler and if you are not using a double boiler, pour water into the larger pot, fill it and place the pot you used to mix components in the center.
- Set the double boiler/pots in a low amount of heat.
- Give time for the butter and beeswax to melt, and thoroughly mix them with your preferred carrier oil.
- Let the ingredients mix, turn off the heat, and add the essential oil. However, be moderate with the amount of essential oil to avoid putting too much fragrance so that your balm provides a subtle scent.
- Pour the final mixture into a container and let it cool
How to Apply Beard Balm
Users should apply beard balm on wet hair, so it is best to apply it after a shower. Alternatively, you can use warm water to clean your beard. Rub a small amount of beard balm into your palm and apply it around your wet beard using the tips of your fingers. Run a beard comb through your facial hair to ensure that it spreads equally.